Haylie Falkenstein CSHA Little Miss

2024 Jr. Miss CSHA – Kaiya Trujillo
Congratulations on your interest in the California State Horsemen’s Royalty Program! Royalty representatives hold the honor of a one year title that enables them to grow in their interpersonal, social and presentation skills as they grow in areas of leadership and responsibility. Earning a royalty title reflects an individuals multi faceted accomplishments not only as an athlete in the area of horsemanship but in writing, public speaking, poise, knowledge and interpersonal skills. Contestants are judged in a five-phase contest. Skills in equitation through a riding pattern, a written essay, a series of speeches, written test and interview by panel are each part of the criteria.
Royalty are the spokespeople and representatives of the CSHA organization. Our titles provide an excellent point of recognition on both college and job applications as well as resumes.
Royalty participate in statewide events including parades, horse shows, meetings and conferences, as well as a variety of community service activities
Contestants compete at both the Region and State levels. For more information regarding a program in your area, or the state competition, please contact the state chairman.

Little Miss CSHA Hailie Falkenstein

Haylie and Kaiya

Kianna Kinney Award
2020 Royalty
2019 Royalty
2017 Royalty
2016 Royalty
2015 Royalty
Titles Awarded:
Girls: Boys:
★ Little Miss (7 to 10)
★ Little Ambassador (7-10)
★ Junior Miss (11-13)
★ Junior Ambassador (11-13)
★ Miss California Horsemen (14-17)
★ California State Horsemen Ambassador (14-17)
Every year CSHA offers a wonderful opportunity for girls and boys from throughout California to compete for the title of:
Little Miss CSHA (girls 6 to 10)
Junior Miss CSHA (girls 11 to 13)
Miss CSHA (girls 14 to 17)
Little CSHA Ambassador (boys 6 to 10)
Junior CSHA Ambassador (boys 11 to 13)
CSHA Ambassador (boys 14 to 17)
Most CSHA Regions offer the Royalty Program, and the winners at the Regional level qualify to compete for their respective state title.
Miss CSHAs and CSHA Ambassadors and their courts are crowned at the state competition and their reign begins at that time. Miss CSHAs and CSHA Ambassadors are invited to attend the Annual Horse Show (s), Show of Champions, Day at the Races, Night at the Cow Palace, Championship Parade and the Annual Convention. Also Royalty may be invited to other appropriate functions through the Royalty Chairperson and/or Royalty Events Coordinator.
Miss CSHAs receives a tiara, buckle and sash as well as some perpetual awards, which may consist of a hat crown, sash pin/concho and trophy. The First and Second Princesses each receive a tiara and sash. CSHA Ambassadors receive a engraved hatband and a trophy jacket.
In addition to these awards, Junior and Senior Miss CSHAs and Ambassadors each receive a scholarship at the state level (there are no scholarships at the present time for the Little program).
The Little Miss CSHA and Little CSHA Ambassador program is designed to introduce younger children to CSHA and to our Royalty Program. There are four compulsory phases of competition, which are each geared to the younger age group. Riding (walk/jog pattern), written test (test readers are allowed), speech (1 to 2 minutes) and interview.