California State Horsemen’s Association, Incorporated
76th Annual Convention
Meeting of the Council of Members & Board of Directors
November 8-11, 2018
Please join us for the Annual meeting of CSHA.
Committees meet to discuss the submitted Resolutions
and changes to rules. Finance Committee will
discuss program budgeting and plans for 2019
- ► The Council of Members includes each individual member of CSHA and voting Delegates from CSHA Clubs. Final decisions are made to changes to the bylaws and rules for the organization and its programs.
- ► CSHA is coming into a new age along with every other major horse organization.
All groups are finding new ways to interest the public in the horse world. - ► The Website has become a useful tool to communicate our message and information about our organization & its programs. Please check it often for announcements.
- ► Registration forms for the Convention will be posted to website with daily scheduling as details are available. Clubs may designate a member to vote for rules changes
You can register for accommodations at any time: Use code: #798
Room rates; Nov 8/ $99 – Nov 9 & 10/ $159 -triple & quad occupancy rates available
CSHA has a 90 room minimum required by October 25th
Forms and information: www.californiastatehorsemen. org
Questions – contact the CSHA Office 209-227-7110
CSHA Mission Statement:
“Providing equestrians with quality – family oriented – amateur horse events,
educational programs and recreational activities“
California State Horsemen’s Association, Incorporated is a 501(c) (3) Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation
Convention Registration for Individuals
Convention Registration for Clubs
Jackson Rancheria Hotel Floor Plan
Convention Committee Meeting Schedule