(as of March 2025)
How to apply for a judges license:
1. Download the license application forms using the link below
2. Complete the application paperwork and mail to the address indicated.
The Judges Commission is a Standing committee. The purpose of the committee is to review judges’ license applications, test applicants and resolve complaints and protests filed against CSHA licensed judges.
The Commission is composed of thirteen (13) CSHA licensed judges. Membership consists of judges from each of the following divisions: Parade two (2), Gymkhana two (2), English one (1), Western one (1), Trail Trials two (2) Drill Team two (2) and Obstacle Challenge two (2) judges. In addition, the Commission has a chairman who may be from any division.
Alice Lawellin (209) 858-2638
Vice Chair
Alice Calhoun (559) 689-3370
CSHA Judges’ Commission
Alice Lawellin – Chair