- 1.1 Administrative Rules
Administrative Practices provides the guidelines for how to implement the Bylaws and includes Standing Rules.
- 1.2 Region and Area when used in any and all CSHA Bylaws and/or rules and communications are proper names and shall be capitalized.
- 1.2.1 A Region is a geographical section of the state with boundaries established by the Board of Directors.
- Regions shall be identified by numerical characters, not Roman numerals.
- 1.2.2 The state was divided into thirds. Each third is known as an Area. Each Region is assigned to an Area.
- Northern Area is assigned Regions 1, 2, 3, 13 and 18.
- Central Area is assigned Regions 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 17, and 19.
- Southern Area is assigned Regions 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 16.
- 2.1 Logo
- 2.1.1 All uses of the CSHA logo will be, with the exception of the Past President’s buckle, the original.
- 2.1.2 The official logo will be in two colors (blue and orange).
- Monochrome usage is permitted.
- 2.2 CSHA Dies
- 2.2.1 No die may be created without approval of the Board of Directors.
- 2.2.2 The dies will be limited in their use.
- 2.3 CSHA Medallions – There will be two die designs and the use of these dies is controlled by the Board of Directors. No other use is to be allowed.
- 2.3.1 The die known as CSHA medallion #1 (1 ¼ inch curved) will be used only in the following manner:
- Horsemastership Region champion awards
- Horsemastership State Champion buckles
- Region Presidents’ buckles.
- State Past Presidents’ buckles
- 2.4 The die known as CSHA medallion #2 (1 inch flat) will be used only in the following manner:
- 2.4.1 All buckles awarded to competitors at any CSHA State championship show/event
- 2.4.2 State Royalty buckles
- 2.4.3 5000 hour TRAP buckles
- 2.4.4 An award in recognition of a CSHA member by the State or a Region.
- 2.5 The State Past President’s buckle is unique in design. In order to preserve the importance of this buckle, this design shall not be copied or used for any other purpose.
- 3.1 Types of Membership
- 3.1.1 Club
- The application for a “club” membership must be filed with the Administrative Assistant.
- The application must include:
- 3.1.1 Club
- a. The name and location of the organization
- b. Purposes for which organized
- c. The names and addresses of its officers, managing board, and member designated to act as the Club Representative
- d. The total number of members in good standing
- e. A roster of the members’ names and addresses (where allowed by club bylaws).
Note: If a roster is not provided, club members may not register in CSHA programs.
- The application packet must include a copy of applicant’s constitution and bylaws and, if incorporated, the Articles of Incorporation; the appropriate dues and the initiation fee.
- 3.1.2 Individual
- 3.1.3 Commercial
- 3.2 Dues
- 3.2.1 A renewal notice will be sent to members in November.
- A notice of non-renewal, with a ten dollar ($10) reinstatement fee, will be sent to those members whose renewal dues do not have a postmark or electronic transaction date on or before January 31st.
- 3.3 Rights of Membership
- 3.3.1 A Junior member who has not reached the age of eighteen years by January 1st of the current year may continue as a Junior competitor during the current year.
- 3.3.2 Out-of-state Members
- To compete in a program requiring Region level competition an out-of-state member must contact the appropriate State Chair indicating the Region in which the member wishes to participate.
- The State Chair will confirm that the individual has made no other such request for that competition year to another Region for the same program, and then contact the Region Chair involved for approval.
- The approval of the State and Region Chairs must be documented and dated on the Region’s program application.
- Approvals are valid only for the current competition year.
- No points will accrue until both approvals have been obtained.
- The out-of-state member will be eligible to compete in the Region during the current program year and represent the Region at any state level or championship competition for which the member may qualify.
- The member may compete in another discipline’s Region level program in a different Region. All of the above rules must be followed for that discipline.
- 3.4 Region Transfer
- 3.4.1 A member may request a legal transfer to another Region by submitting a Region Transfer form to the president of his Region of residence.
- 3.4.2 The President shall approve/disapprove the transfer and forward the form to the president of the requested Region.
- 3.4.3 The President of the requested Region shall approve/disapprove the transfer and forward the form to the Area Vice President (Area where the member resides).
- 3.4.4 The Area Vice President shall approve/disapprove the transfer and forward the form to the State Office.
- If the transfer is to a Region in another Area, the request will be sent to the requested Area Vice President.
- 3.4.5 The State Office shall notify the member of the approval or denial.
- If the request is denied, the member will have the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Directors.
- 3.4.6 Unless there is a change of residence, a member may only request one (1) transfer per year.
- 3.4.7 Region Transfers do not apply to out-of-state members.
- 3.5 Disputes
A dispute is defined as an issue that will not result in a suspension or expulsion of membership, but may include a fine.
- 3.5.1 The issue will be handled by a special committee of not fewer than five (5) people selected by the President. Special committee rules will apply.
- 3.5.2 The committee will hold a review of the issue.
- 3.5.3 All parties involved will be advised, in writing a minimum of two weeks prior as to the date, time and location of the hearing. All parties will have the right to speak before the committee and have witnesses heard by the committee.
- 3.5.4 The committee will determine an action recommendation.
- 3.5.5 The committee will present their findings to the Board of Directors within forty-five (45) days of the hearing date.
- The special committee will be dissolved after the governing body has voted on the action to be taken.
- 3.5.6 The Board of Directors will review the issue(s) and prescribe the action to be taken.
- Notification to the primary parties will be mailed within fifteen (15) days.
- 3.5.7 The decision may be appealed to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days of notification’s postmark date.
- The appeal shall be accepted upon receipt of a written request accompanied by pertinent information.
- The Board will consider the appeal. All primary parties will have the right to speak before the Board.
- 3.6 Code of Conduct
- 3.6.1 This Code of Conduct (hereinafter “Code”) is intended to be a guideline for all CSHA members. All members of CSHA are expected to honor this Code of Conduct.
- 3.6.2 CSHA desires to promote the “Spirit of Competition” in a safe and family-oriented environment through its programs. However, when the need arises there must also be a procedure in place that will mitigate and resolve disputes.
- 3.6.3 Behavior by a CSHA member who exhibits actions/words that are detrimental to CSHA or is abusive toward an animal is a code violation.
- 3.6.4 These behavior standards apply to any CSHA member claiming to represent CSHA at any public event.
- 3.6.5 Unauthorized use of CSHA owned property, including real, non-fixed, and all printed material and information, is a violation of the Code.
- 3.6.6 Complaint Procedures
- Any CSHA member witnessing a violation of the Code may file a written complaint within 48 hours of said violation.
- Written complaints of violations shall be submitted in person or by certified mail (return receipt requested) to the State President.
- Only a properly submitted complaint shall be accepted as a formal complaint.
- Notification of receipt of a complaint shall be made by the State President to the party(s) named within five (5) business days. This shall be accomplished by certified mail (with return receipt requested). Informal notice will be made by the State President to the program chairman, if applicable, of a pending action and the individual(s) involved. Incident details shall be withheld.
- Upon receipt of the letter the subject party shall respond to the State President within five (5) business days with a rebuttal, if any. The formal rebuttal must be submitted in writing and sent via certified mail (with return receipt requested).
- The State President will review the complaint and rebuttal; and then proceed with Bylaws Article III Membership, Sec.5.0 Disciplinary Action.
- All records concerning the complaint will be kept in the State Office for a period of two (2) years.
- Prior records may be used as documentation for any future incident within the two (2) year period.
- If the conduct in question falls within the scope of a program’s existing complaint and/or protest procedure, the program’s procedure must be applied to the situation.
- 4.1 Elected Officers
- 4.1.1 President
- 4.1.2 First Vice President
- 4.1.3 Second Vice Presidents
- 4.1.4 Chief Financial Officer
- Disburse the funds of CSHA in payment of just demands against CSHA, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.
- At each Quarterly Meeting, present to each member of the Board of Directors an accurate, detailed and itemized financial report. The financial report will reflect the actual income and expenses as compared with those budgeted.
- For the Annual Convention, prepare and present to the Council of Members, an annual financial report and an accounting of the Special Reserve Fund.
- The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available to any member upon written request.
- Be responsible for the filing and certification of the reports of CSHA to the I.R.S., Franchise Tax Board, California Department of Justice, Council of Equalization, County Assessor or Tax Collector, and other such reports required by law to agencies of the State and Federal Governments. It will further be his responsibility to sign and affirm the accuracy of the returns, even though his term of office may have ended, since it was during his term of office that the income and expenses occurred.
- 4.2 Appointments
- 4.2.1 The Board of Directors may appoint a Treasurer to assist the Chief Financial Officer.
- 4.3 Terms of Office
- 4.4 Election of Officers
- 4.4.1 Only qualified members filing their declaration of candidacy in writing with the Administrative Assistant, accompanied by a nomination fee of $20.00 postmarked on or before August 1st, may be nominated by the Nominating committee or by any other eligible person. Such fees will cover the cost of mailing candidates’ resumes if requested.
- 4.5 Filling Vacancies
- 4.6 Past Presidents
- 4.6.1 After the completion of a first term as State President the individual shall receive:
- a. Life Membership. However, if the individual already possesses a Life membership there will be no reimbursement or remuneration of any kind.
- b. Each time a Life membership is bestowed, the sum of $50.00 will be transferred from the General fund to the Life fund.
- c. This Life membership will be presented at the installation banquet at the Annual Convention.
- d. Past President’s buckle.
- e. If an individual serves more than one term as State President, the individual shall have the option of receiving an additional buckle or some other gift.
- f. It is the responsibility of the immediate Past President to secure the gift.
- 4.7 CSHA President Emeritus
This is a title of respect and honor.
- 4.7.1 In order for this title to be conferred upon a CSHA Past President a nomination must be made at the Annual Convention by a CSHA Past President.
- 4.7.2 The nomination must be voted on by the Council of Members and requires a majority approval of the Council.
- 4.7.3 To be eligible for the title of CSHA President Emeritus, the honoree must have been out of active office for a minimum of five (5) years.
- 4.7.4 The title conveys no official duties.
- 4.7.5 The title does not grant the honoree a position on the Board of Directors, a vote in any matter before the organization, a part in any quorum requirements or any special privileges.
- 5.1 Council of Members
- 5.2 Board of Directors
- 5.2.1 A CSHA membership may only be terminated by the Board of Directors.
- 6.1 General
- 6.1.1 All donations must be included in the year-end financial statement.
- 6.1.2 A W-9 form will be sent at the time a judge applicant is approved for a license. The form must be completed and returned to the State Office.
- No license, new or renewal will be issued until a completed W-9 is on file in the State office.
- 6.2 Disbursements
- 6.2.1 No member may receive reoccurring compensation.
- 6.3 Funds and Accounts
- 6.3.1 Show of Champions Account
- A financial statement, including itemization of income and expenses, must be submitted to the Board of Directors at each quarterly meeting.
- A preliminary annual financial statement, including itemization of income and expenses, must be submitted to the Council of Members at each Annual convention. A minimum of fifty copies of the report must be available for distribution.
- The final financial statement, including itemization of income and expenses for the previous year, must be presented to the Board of Directors at the January Quarterly.
- 6.3.2 The Special Reserve Fund
- These funds will be set aside in a separate interest bearing account to be used for emergency purposes benefiting the future needs of the organization.
- Funds in this account will be made available for purposes as approved by the Board of Directors.
- All disbursements against this fund will be signed by any two of the following: State President, State First Vice President, or Treasurer.
- If funds are withdrawn for the administration’s operating expenses it will be the responsibility of the State President and the Board of Directors to replace any funds withdrawn as soon as the monies become available.
- The interest income from the fund will be paid into the General Fund annually.
- 6.3.1 Show of Champions Account
- 6.4 Fund and Account Financial Reports
The treasurer of each separate bank account (e.g. Region, Building Fund, etc.) will submit the following.
- 6.4.1 At the January, April, and July Board of Directors Quarterly meetings and at the Annual Convention a financial statement report of the account. The report shall be submitted to the CFO in a format approved by the CFO.
- The report will include the timeframe for the report (start and end dates), the account’s ending balance from the previous report, all transactions for the period summarized by program and categorized as either income or expenses, and the account’s ending balance.
- For each Region bank account a copy of the bank’s statement and its reconciliation will be submitted to the CFO. The documents are to be submitted within two weeks of the receipt of the statement.
- 6.4.2 No later than January 10th submit to the State Treasurer a list of payments made to individuals and non-corporation entities for services rendered, and/or rent. Reimbursements are not to be included.
- 6.4.3 If an entity fails to submit the required information the entity will be assessed a fine of $100.
- Failure to pay the fine within thirty (30) days of the invoice date shall result in the amount due being doubled. The new amount shall be invoiced.
- Failure to pay the double amount within thirty (30) days of its invoice date shall result in a suspension of the entity’s programs and membership rights. Said suspension shall be removed when the full amount due has been paid in full.
- 6.4.4 If the State Treasurer has to create any portion of an entity’s required submissions the entity will be billed an hourly rate for the time required.
- 6.5 Carry-Over Requests
- 6.5.1 Carry-over requests must be:
- Submitted in writing
- Signed by the program chairman
- Submitted to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at least one week prior to the Annual Convention
- Provide specific details as to how the funds will be used
- Be reasonable in nature.
- 6.5.2 A representative from the committee must attend the Convention meeting of the State Finance committee to answer any requests for information.
- 6.5.1 Carry-over requests must be:
- 6.5.3 No program will be allowed to make a request to carry-over or transfer any of their remaining program balance to another CSHA program or to any non-CSHA program.
- 6.5.4 In order for clear and proper decisions and recommendations to be made, all program committee chairs will work closely with the Chief Financial Officer to attempt to determine within close approximation, the true remaining program balance as of October 31st.
- 6.5.5 At the Annual Convention the Finance committee will review each carry-over request and make a recommendation for approval, denial or amendment to the Council of Members.
- 6.5.6 The Chief Financial Officer must present every carry-over request to the Council of Members for their consideration.
- 6.6 Loans
- 6.7 Budgets
- 6.7.1 The State President will prepare the administrative budget.
- 6.7.2 Budgets will be presented to the Finance committee chairman no later than January 15th.
- 6.7.3 At the first Quarterly Meeting the budget will be reviewed by the Finance committee and then be referred to the Board of Directors for consideration.
- 6.7.4 The Board of Directors will review and, if necessary, adjust any budget. Said adjustments must remain within the limit of the monies available in the respective fund.
- 6.7.5 Until a budget has been approved by the Board of Directors no funds can be expended on behalf of any committee.
- 6.7.6 If a budget line incorporates more than one item, the line must be itemized (example: line item lists awards $15,000. This amount must be itemized because the awards budgeted include buckles, ribbons, trophies, etc. A line with a budgeted amount must be shown for each sub category).
- After a budget has been approved, any new or additional expense over $400 that was not included in the original budget, must be presented to and approved by Board of Directors prior to the expenditure being made.
- 6.8 Audit
- 6.8.1 An annual audit is required to examine the accounting records, review the system of accounts and accounting procedures.
- 6.8.2 The Finance committee will select a minimum of two (2) qualified persons to form an audit committee.
- 6.8.3 The audit committee will be selected from persons who have had business or financial experience. Persons will only be eligible for appointment if they are not a member of the Board of Directors or a Trustee of the Charitable Trust.
- 6.8.4 The audit committee will meet with the Chief Financial Officer and State Treasurer, if one has been appointed.
- 6.8.5 If it seems desirable, the committee may employ outside auditors to make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- 6.8.6 The audit committee shall perform their duties between the first and second Quarterly Meetings, reporting their findings at the second Quarterly Meeting.
- 6.9 Returned Check Protocol
- 6.9.1 The protocols in this section apply to checks issued to a Region as well as the State organization.
- 6.9.2 The complete protocols may be viewed on the CSHA web site or requested from the CSHA office.
- 6.9.3 When a check that has been submitted as payment to CSHA is returned unpaid by the bank, for any reason, it will be considered as if the payment had not been made.
- 6.9.4 It is the sole responsibility of the maker to redeem the returned check and pay the appropriate fee(s).
- 6.9.5 Membership of the issuer will be suspended if the check is not redeemed within the time frame stated in the protocol.
- A check written by a member on behalf of another party will result in suspension of the issuer’s membership.
- Participation in a Region program is the only suspension that may be issued by a Region.
- If a membership is suspended, a reinstatement fee may be assessed and must be paid prior to membership being reinstated.
- 6.9.6 The maker of a returned check to a Region will be notified by the Region Treasurer of the Region’s requirements to replace the funds. If said requirements are not met, the matter will be referred to the State Office to be addressed in accordance with the State protocol.
- 7.1 General
- 7.2 Appointments
- 7.2.1 The Administrative Practices committee chairman will select the Credentials and Election committee chairmen.
- 7.2.2 The State Gymkhana chairman will appoint a State Rating Secretary who will be a voting member of the Gymkhana committee.
- The person so appointed must maintain a Direct membership during the entire tenure of their appointment.
- 7.2.3 A duly appointed and confirmed committee chairman is required to reside in the State of California.
- 7.3 Chairman’s Duties
- 7.3.1 To appoint the vice chairman, a junior member and the members-at-large. Such appointments will be made prior to the first Quarterly Meeting.
- 7.3.2 The chairmen and vice chairmen’s names are to be listed in the roster and published in the official publication at the earliest possible date, but no later than the second Quarterly Meeting.
- 7.3.3 Keep proper written minutes of all committee meetings and give a copy to the Administrative Assistant to be included in the Board of Directors meeting minutes.
- 7.3.4 Complete a budget and forward it to the Chief Financial Officer no later than January 15.
- 7.3.5 Secure a list of their Region counterparts prior to the first Quarterly Meeting.
- 7.3.6 Prepare a complete record of the committee’s actions, events, finances, and procedures that will be ready to be turned over to their successor prior to the end of the calendar year.
- 7.3.7 All committees shall follow the purpose of each committee as prescribed in the CSHA bylaws and/or rulebook; or as prescribed by the President or the Board of Directors in the case of ad hoc or special committees.
- 7.4 Causes for Termination
- 7.4.1 If a chairman misses two consecutive Quarterly meetings, at which his committee had a meeting scheduled, without the prior approval of the President the chairman will be removed immediately and a new chairman will be appointed.
- 7.4.2 Failure to comply with rule 7.3.3 of this section could result in the replacement of the committee chairman.
- 7.5 Standing Committees
- 7.5.1 Administrative Practices
- The committee will work on matters of administration that are not the purview of any other committee including but not limited to the Region President’s handbook and an operating manual of administrative rules.
- The committee will meet during the Annual Convention to consider any rule change resolutions submitted for Administrative Practices, Credentials, and/or Elections.
- 7.5.2 Bylaws
- The committee will consider all submitted resolutions pertaining to bylaw amendments. The committee will report its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- 7.5.3 Finance
- The committee will consist of all Past State Presidents, the current State President, all current State Vice Presidents, the Chief Financial Officer, a vice chairman and a member-at-large. The vice chairman and the member at large will be chosen by the chairman with the approval of the committee.
- Past State Presidents will not count for quorum.
- The Chief Financial Officer will serve as chairman.
- The committee will review the financial structure and needs of the organization; make budget recommendations to the Board of Directors; and offer guidance regarding program finances.
- At the first Quarterly Meeting the committee will review the administration and committee budgets.
- Conflict of Interest
- Any member of the Committee who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Committee, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will voluntarily recuse himself and refrain from discussion and voting on said item.
- No Committee member shall cast a vote, nor take part in the final deliberation in any matter in which he, members of his immediate family, or any organization to which such member has allegiance, has a personal interest that may be seen as competing with the interest of the Corporation.
- If a committee member believes he may have such a conflict of interest he shall so notify the CFO prior to deliberation on the matter in question.
- The Committee shall make the final determination as to whether the committee member has a conflict of interest in any matter.
- The minutes of the Committee meeting shall reflect disclosure of any conflict of interest and the recusal of the interested committee member.
- 7.5.4 Insurance
- This committee will consist of a chairman, vice chairman, the immediate past chairman and a representative from each active Region.
- The committee will promote and handle the CSHA insurance program.
- It will study and make recommendations regarding changes in the program to the Council of Members and/or the Board of Directors.
- With the concurrence of the State President, additional types of coverage can be offered.
- The committee will:
- Solicit and review quotes from as many insurance carriers as possible.
- Request quotes for the desired coverage based on the needs of the State administrative purposes including real property insurance; third party liability coverage; and provisions to best cover the needs and activities of the State, the Regions, and the membership, including member clubs.
- Present the results of the quotes at the Annual Convention for approval and acceptance by the Council of Members.
- 7.5.5 Show of Champions (SOC)
- The SOC is the combination of the state championship shows for the programs involved.
- The committee will be made up of the chairman, the immediate past chairman, a vice chairman, the chairmen of the programs participating in the SOC and the stabling manager.
- The SOC chairman will appoint the vice chairman and the stabling manager.
- The chairman of any suspended or non-approved program may be a non-voting member of the committee.
- The chairman will coordinate the programs involved and act as liaison between the various chairmen.
- Only those programs that offer Region level competition whereby a competitor qualifies to compete for a state championship may be included in the SOC.
- For inclusion in the SOC, a program or division of a program must have been offered in two or more Regions during the current year.
- Exhibitions and demonstrations of new events are excluded from this rule.
- The SOC committee will recommend the site of the SOC to the Council of Members for their approval.
- Written bids must be submitted to the SOC committee each year no later than July 1. Any CSHA member may submit a bid.
- At the third Quarterly meeting, the SOC committee will review all of the bids, and then the SOC chairman will present copies all of the bids to the Board of Directors.
- At the beginning of the Council of Members meeting, a minimum of fifty (50) copies of each bid must be available.
- The Council of Members will select the site for the following year.
- 7.6 Special Purpose Committees
- 7.6.1 Annual Convention
- The committee will be appointed by the State President and be responsible for conducting the annual convention.
- This committee may have its own treasury account to support the activities associated with the Annual Convention.
- Guidelines for the Annual Convention will be maintained in the State office.
- The Area Vice President, in whose Area the convention site is located, shall be a member of the Annual Convention Committee.
- 7.6.2 Annual Convention Site Selection Committee
- The purpose of this committee is to investigate suitable venues for the annual convention, solicit and review bids and present said bids with committee recommendations to the Council of Members for approval at its annual meeting.
- The goal is to present site bids for approval two years in advance.
- The Committee shall consist of the three State Area Vice Presidents and three area representatives with a chairman selected by the State President from one of the area representatives.
- Area representatives shall be appointed by the President for a period of two years and the Area Vice Presidents shall serve during their term of office.
- If there is no Area Vice President, until one has been either been elected or appointed, the First Vice President shall fill the position.
- 7.6.3 Credentials and the Elections Committees
Both are subcommittees of the Administrative Practices committee.
- The Credentials committee will consider and determine the validity of the credentials of each person who claims to be entitled to vote at the Annual Convention, or at a Council of Members meeting.
- The Administrative Assistant will provide the committee with the current club records including the club officers and membership roster.
- Member clubs will be notified to keep an updated officers’ list and membership roster on file at the State office.
- Credentials Committee Reports
- Council of Members
- Prior to roll call at the opening of the Council of Members meeting, the Credentials committee chair shall verify that club representative credentials have been checked and approved. The chair will then request that those not approved report to the Credentials committee room.
- The chair will report when sufficient credentials have been approved to establish a quorum. The chair then will announce that additional club representative credentials will be processed as they are received. The roll call should proceed until a quorum is established.
- The Credentials committee chair will announce the registrations will close at 12:00 PM on Saturday of the Annual Convention.
- The roll call should proceed until it is determined a quorum is present.
- Council of Members
- Elections Committee
- The Elections Committee will supervise and conduct a secret ballot election in accordance with the CSHA Election manual whenever there is a contested office.
- The vote count for any contested office will not be announced to the general membership.
- The vote count may be made known to an individual if that person makes a request to the Elections Committee Chair following the announcement of the voting results and prior to the close of the meeting.
- Ballots will be placed in a sealed envelope and held in the State Office for a period of thirty (30) days following the election.
- No one may request to see any ballot. Exception: A club president may submit a written request to the Administrative Practices Chair for permission to view that club’s ballot.
- 7.6.4 Day at the Races
This event shall be chaired by the State Royalty Chairman. At a date secured by the chairman, a Day at the Races will be held. The proceeds will be split 50:50 with the Region in which the ticket(s) were sold, provided the Region has a Royalty program. If the Region does not have a Royalty program, one hundred percent (100%) of the profit will be deposited into to the CSHA State Royalty program.
- 7.6.5 Legislative
- The committee will be alert to and employ such means as are reasonably available to keep informed on matters of legislation and statutes as may affect or concern the horse industry and sport.
- It will transmit such information with appropriate recommendations for action to the President, Council of Members, or Board of Directors.
- It will institute and pursue such action as instructed.
- CSHA has and will continue to furnish members, through its regular channels, with accurate information regarding legislative matters of direct interest to its members.
- CSHA Regions, Region government and committees as arms of CSHA, are authorized to make policy decisions concerning legislation that affects any government or agency within the Region, but are limited to only policy decisions within their own Region and cannot make a decision on behalf of another Region and the membership of CSHA.
- They will immediately report, in writing, such decisions to the State Office, State President, officers, committee chairs, and State Legislative chairman along with a copy of any correspondence that clearly indicates the fact that it is a policy decision to that Region only.
- Region legislative committees should be diligent in educating members and member clubs within the Region concerning local matters. They should keep in mind that both the public interest as well as the interest of horses and horse owners should be served by proposed ordinances, rules and regulations.
- Members are at liberty to take such action and adopt such policies as may be in their best interest, but cannot imply in any way they are representing CSHA.
- Incorporated clubs may have some legal limitations on their activities and expenditures in the political field.
- 7.6.6 Night at the Cow Palace
Opening Night at the Grand Nationals is designated as CSHA Night at the Cow Palace. Color guards may compete and be included in the opening ceremonies.
- Cash awards for the winners in the specified categories will be deposited into the State Horsemastership scholarship fund.
- The rebate portion of the ticket cost will be deposited into the State Horsemastership program account.
- 7.6.7 Nomination
- To seek out and secure written declarations of candidacy from qualified candidate(s) for each of the following offices: President, First Vice President, as many Second Vice Presidents as are provided for in the bylaws, and Chief Financial Officer.
- To nominate the candidates by certification to the membership by mail posted no later than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement date of the Annual Convention.
- 7.6.8 Public Relations
- The Director of Public Relations will be chairman of the committee.
- The members of the committee shall be the Public Relations chairmen from each Region.
- The primary function of the Director of Public Relations is to keep the members of CSHA and the public informed of the efforts and activities of CSHA.
- Duties will be to collate and disseminate information concerning CSHA, its members and the public.
- Under the Director there will be edited, published and distributed any and all publications, newsletters or other vehicles of communication between the governing bodies and officers of CSHA and its members.
- All public relations activities of CSHA will be under the Director.
- 7.6.9 Youth Advisor
The purpose of the committee is to promote growth in the youth participation and youth activity within CSHA. This committee will consist of the State Youth Advisor, who will be the chairman, and all Region Youth Advisors.
- 8.1 General
- 8.1.1 At any meeting where credentials are required, roll call shall be taken by the Credentials chairman or another Credentials Committee member.
- 8.2 Board of Directors
- 8.2.1 The Board of Directors will meet in the Central Area in the months of January, April, and July.
- The actual meeting dates will be arranged by the current President prior to the Annual Convention.
- The dates of these two day meetings, with the approval of the Board of Directors, will be announced during the convention.
- 8.2.2 By a majority vote of the Board of Directors present and having voted at a previous meeting, one meeting per year may be held outside the Central Area.
- 8.2.3 A list of the action items will be posted on the CSHA web site within thirty (30) days after the meeting date.
- 8.3 Special Meetings
- 8.3.1 Request by ten percent (10%) of the membership
- The spokesperson for this ten percent (10%) will have the authority to advise the Administrative Assistant to schedule the meeting in accordance with the instruction as stated by the ten percent (10%) of the membership.
- The written request shall specify the spokesperson and contain the following information for all signatories; signature, printed first and last name, address, Region, type of membership.
- A signatory must have been a member by January 15 of the current year.
- 8.4 Annual Meeting
- 8.4.1 Whenever possible, the location of the Annual Convention will be rotated North, Central, or South.
- 8.4.2 The Finance committee meeting will be scheduled for the day before the committee meetings are scheduled.
- 8.4.3 The minutes from the Annual Convention will be distributed at the first Quarterly Meeting following the convention.
- 8.4.4 The installation of State and Region officers will be done at an appropriate ceremony during Annual Meeting.
- 8.4.5 Annual Convention Registration Fee
- A convention registration fee will be charged for each voting type: Life, Senior, Family, Commercial, Commercial Life, Senior club, Family club and Combined club.
- Each Club will pay the full price registration fee for the club’s first representative. Each additional representative will pay half price.
- If a club representative is also a Direct member and desires to vote in both capacities a Direct member registration fee must be paid in addition to individual’s club representative registration fee.
- 8.4.6 Credentials
- The certification of the Representatives shall be made on the official credential form issued by the State office and mailed to the member club prior to Annual Convention.
- Each member club will submit Representative credentials in a form sufficient to satisfy the Credentials committee.
- The Credentials committee will review all Representative credentials and approve those that meet all requirements.
- Each Representative of a member club must be a voting member in good standing of the respective club and must be certified in writing to the Credentials Committee by the club’s governing body via the club President or Secretary.
- Any credentials questioned will be handled as follows:
- The Representative will be called before the committee in private and asked questions and to show written proof of club membership.
- The committee will allow the person in question to bring written certification of their status. Telephone calls and telegrams will not be accepted.
- The decision of the committee must be unanimous.
- A tally of the quorum count will be made and witnessed by two (2) members of the committee.
- 8.5 Council of Members
- 8.5.1 Each Senior, Family, or Combined club will be represented by one (1) Representative. The governing body of the club will certify to the Credentials Committee via the club President or Secretary the name and address of the Representative(s) selected.
- The certification of the club’s Representative(s) shall be made on the official credential form issued by the State office.
- 8.5.2 At the opening of any Council of Members meeting, the Credentials Committee chairman will report the names of those entitled to be seated and vote. Additional reports will be made during the meeting. Any disagreement with the decision of the committee will be decided by the Council of Members.
- 8.6 Election of Officers
- 8.6.1 The Election of State Officers will be conducted under New Business during the Council of Members meeting.
- If a quorum cannot be established, the current officers shall remain in office for the following year.
- If there are contested offices, the election will be the first order of New Business with the meeting continuing during the ballot counting.
- 8.6.2 Only qualified members may be nominated by the Nominating committee or by any other eligible person.
- If a declaration of candidacy cannot be obtained for an office by the required deadline, the membership will be notified by mail. The Board of Directors will convene at the Annual Convention prior to the elections to take appropriate action to secure a candidate.
- If a candidate, who has been certified by the Nominating committee, becomes unable or declines to stand for election, and there are less than two other candidates for the office, then nominations for the office will be declared open.
- The Nominating committee will proceed to accept qualified candidates, providing the candidates file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Administrative Assistant (if prior to the start of the Convention) or the Nominating Committee (if during the Convention).
- The Nominating committee must certify these candidates to the Council of Members.
- The President or presiding officer shall announce the elections as the next order of business on the agenda and relinquish control of the meeting to the Elections Chair.
- If an actual election is held for any office, the club’s name will be written on the ballot give to the club’s representative(s). Upon request, the information as to how a club voted will be made available to the club’s President.
- All elected state officers will be installed in a suitable ceremony at the Annual Convention following the close of the Council of Members meeting.
- Any elected state officer not present for the installation ceremony will be deemed to be installed and their duties will begin immediately following the Council of members meeting.
- 9.1 General
- 9.2 Government
- 9.3 Council
- 9.4 Officers
- 9.5 Meetings
- 9.6 Election of Officers
- 9.6.1 Final nominations for the elected officers will be at the time of the elections.
- 9.6.2 A Credentials and Elections committee of at least three (3) persons will be appointed by the Region President to determine the validity of each person who claims to be entitled to vote.
- This committee will also conduct and supervise a secret ballot election whenever there is a contested office.
- The Region President and Vice President(s) installed in a suitable ceremony at the Annual Convention following the close of the Council of Members meeting.
- If they are not installed at that time, they will be deemed installed and their duties of the office will begin immediately following State Annual Convention.
- 9.7 Filling Vacancies
- 9.8 Finance
- 9.8.1 Disbursements will follow the CSHA state procedures in Finance Sec. 2.0, substituting the state officers named with; Region President, a Region Vice President and Region Treasurer, following the procedure of two signatures being required on Region checks.
- 9.8.2 The Region Handbook as updated and published annually will be followed for operation of the Region and additional financial guidelines
- 9.8.3 All donations must be documented and reported to the State Office.
- 9.9 Committees
- 9.10 Miscellaneous
- 9.10.1 All records, monies and properties of a Region in the possession of its officers, will be immediately delivered to their duly elected successors.
- 9.10.2 Should there be no elected successors, all records, monies and properties will be surrendered to the Administrative Assistant. The Administrative Assistant will hold the same in trust until such time as the duly elected officers take office and apply for the return thereof.
- 9.11 Boundary Change
- 9.11.1 If a Region is split, those members desiring to stay in the original Region and who have complied with transfer procedures would automatically be eligible for office provided they had been an individual member in good standing prior to the Region split.
- 9.11.2 The requesting Region will complete the appropriate change forms.
- 9.11.3 The original form will be sent to the State office. The Administrative Assistant will forward copies to the appropriate Area Vice President(s) and Region officers.
- 9.11.4 It will be the responsibility of those officers to meet and confer among themselves with interested parties to determine the reasons for the change. A suggested course of action is to:
- a. Hold meetings in each Region to secure agreement on the new boundaries.
- b. Secure written agreement from the Region(s) involved, signed by the Region Board.
- c. Present the plan to change boundaries at a Quarterly meeting.
- d. Write up a proposal for announcement in The New Horseman.
- e. Vote on final approval at the following Quarterly meeting.
- f. The Area Vice President(s) will be responsible for bringing the change request and recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- 9.12 Reactivation of Region
- 9.12.1 Any member(s) within the inactive Region may send to the State Office a written request to reactivate the Region. The request must include:
- a. The rationale for reactivation
- b. A statement of purpose
- c. A budget
- d. The names of a minimum of 10 members willing to oversee the Region’s activities
- e. The names of members who are willing to be appointed officers.
- 9.12.2 The Administrative Assistant will forward the request to the State President, State First Vice President and appropriate Area Vice President.
- 9.12.3 The Area Vice President will present the request to the Board of Directors for their review and approval.
- 9.12.4 The Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on the request. Notice of the public hearing shall be posted on the web site and published at least once in the official CSHA publication prior to the hearing date.
- 9.12.5 The Area Vice President will convey the Boards decision via a written letter to the member(s) who requested the reactivation.
- 9.12.6 If the reactivation is approved, the Area Vice President will:
- a. Contact the Administrative Assistant to determine if funds were turned over to the State office when the Region was deactivated.
- b. If funds are being held for the Region, request a check be issued to the Region.
- c. Obtain a mailing list of all clubs and Direct members that reside within the Region.
- d. Within thirty (30) days, schedule a meeting.
- e. Appoint the Region officers.
- f. Give the mailing list to the newly appointed officers.
- g. After verifying a Region bank account has been established, present the check to the Region officers.
- 10.1 General
- 11.1 The postmark date will be the criteria for all membership and official mailings to and from the State office.
- 11.1.1 Any mail received at the CSHA office that does not bear a USPS postmark will be deemed to have been mailed four (4) business days prior to the receipt date and will be so documented by the office staff.
- 11.2 Any CSHA club or organization extending the President an invitation to visit their group for whatever purpose, including the installation of officers, etc., will be encouraged to cover all expenses resulting from said invitation.
- 11.3 Program rules not covered in the rulebook may be obtained from the State office.
- 11.4 Guidelines for committee chairmen and Region officers may be obtained from the State office.
- 11.5 Items for sale at the State office include:
CSHA Rulebook (printed or on CD)
Horseman’s handbook
Lapel pins
CSHA flags
West Coast Horse Show Rulebook (WCHS)
- 11.6 The current West Coast Horse Show (WCHS) rulebook will be referred to and will apply (if addressed) when the current CSHA rules do not address a situation.
- 11.7 All State officers, Region Presidents and/or Vice Presidents must remain at the Board of Directors meeting until completion, unless excused by the President prior to the meeting.
- 11.8 All official documents distributed from the State Office, or under the signature of a State Officer, chairman, Region officer, or Region chairman must use the corporation’s full and correct name.
- 11.9 Employees
- 11.9.1 No additional employees, independent contractors, consultants, outside services, or the like, be they an individual or company, can be added, paid or compensated in any form or manner without prior approval by the Board of Directors.
- 11.9.2 Performance reviews will be developed and administered by the State President utilizing the CSHA standard evaluation form with input from selected individuals including, but not limited to the CFO, State Treasurer and State Administrative Practices Chair.
- 11.10 New Programs/Events
- 11.10.1 No program shall be offered as a State endorsed program until the program has been run as a pilot program for a minimum of three (3) years.
- 11.10.2 The pilot program must be run in two or more Regions
- 11.10.3 The pilot program must be presented to the Council of Members for approval
- At the time of presentation, all intended rules and regulations for the program must be presented.
- 11.10.4 Only those programs that have Region level competition will be considered as part of the pilot program.
- 11.10.5 Rule changes may be submitted, in the second and third year of the pilot program, under the same format as resolutions to the rulebook.
- 11.10.6 Exhibitions and demonstrations of new events are excluded from this rule.
- 11.10.7 After the pilot program receives final approval, all perpetual winners’ lists will be contained in a separate chapter of the rulebook and posted on the CSHA web site.
- 12.1 Parliamentarian
- 12.1.1 CSHA will have a parliamentarian who will be appointed annually by the State President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
- 12.1.2 The person will serve as the official parliamentarian for all official meetings of CSHA, including Council of Members, and Board of Directors and all special meetings.
- 12.1.3 The Parliamentarian may appoint a substitute to act in his place for those meetings or sessions that he is unable to attend.
- 12.1.4 The Parliamentarian will have no voting power and will not count for a quorum.
- 12.1.5 The Parliamentarian is to remain impartial at all times.
- 13.1 General
- 13.1.1 Completion of “Housekeeping” changes (typographical errors, grammar, relocation of rules, or renumbering of rules) do not have to wait until convention to be requested or require a resolution.
- The change is first presented to the chairman of the appropriate committee.
- The chairman presents the change to committee.
- If approved by the committee, the committee chairman then presents the recommendation to the Board of Directors for final approval. If approved the Rulebook Editor makes the change.
- 13.1.2 Resolutions to change the rulebook are to be submitted to the State office by August 1.
- Any member in good standing may submit a resolution.
- Resolutions must be in typewritten form.
- Resolutions must include the name(s) of the author(s).
- Resolutions submitted by an individual shall include their membership category (e.g. Senior member, Life member, etc.) not their CSHA office or committee.
- Resolutions submitted by a committee, a Region or club must have been adopted by the appropriate body. The body must, if requested, be able to submit minutes of the meeting where the resolution was adopted.
- Unless otherwise stated in the original resolution, an adopted rule change becomes effective thirty (30) days from the conclusion of convention.
- 13.1.1 Completion of “Housekeeping” changes (typographical errors, grammar, relocation of rules, or renumbering of rules) do not have to wait until convention to be requested or require a resolution.
- 13.2 Late Resolutions
- 13.2.1 Late resolutions may be presented at convention providing one of the following criteria is met:
- The resolution was received by the August 1 deadline, but was returned to the author because of a submission error.
- The resolution pertains to a situation that occurred between August 1 and Convention.
- 13.2.1 Late resolutions may be presented at convention providing one of the following criteria is met:
- The proposed rule change must be emergency in nature and relate to something that if not changed immediately would cause irreparable harm to the program/committee. “Emergency” is defined as an unforeseen combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action.
- The resolution must pass the “can the committee continue to operate without this change” test
- If a resolution meets the criteria set forth above, the author must present ten (10) copies to the appropriate committee chairman prior to the committee’s meeting.
- The chairman must present all qualified late resolutions to the committee for action.
- The committee must consider all qualified late resolutions submitted.
- Fifty (50) copies of the final resolution must be available for the Council of Members meeting.
- Prior to considering the proposed late resolution, the Council of Members must declare the resolution “emergency in nature” by a three-fourths (3/4) vote.
- 13.3 Resolution Disposition
- 13.3.1 Committee chairman’s duties
- It will be the responsibility of the chairman or acting chairman of each standing committee to submit to the Administrative Assistant a report on all resolutions that were considered by the committee.
- Prior to the beginning of any committee’s report the person presenting resolutions for consideration must provide to the resolution recorder and the Administrative Assistant, for each adopted resolution, a written report containing the committee’s adopted wording.
- 13.3.1 Committee chairman’s duties
- 13.4 Resolution recorder/rulebook editor
- 13.4.1 Prior to the Annual Convention, the President will appoint a Resolution Recorder/rulebook editor. During the Council of Members meeting, this person will document each resolution including changes and disposition.
- 13.4.2 Following the Annual Convention, this individual shall prepare a proof of the revised bylaws and/or rules. No changes to the rules, other than to correct spelling errors, may be made. Any changes to provide correct grammar, syntax, or sentence structure must be approved by the committee chairman.
- 13.4.3 No later than November 25th the proof shall be sent to the serving committee chairman.
- 13.4.4 The proof shall be returned with any changes, corrections, or comments on or before December 5th.
- 13.4.5 If the proof is not returned by December 15th, the Resolution Recorder/rulebook editor may presume the proof was correct as submitted.
- 13.4.6 The year of adoption shall be included in the footer of each page.
- 13.5 Publication Schedule
- 13.5.1 Changes to the rulebook will be printed biennially during odd numbered years.
- 13.5.2 Changes to the rulebook adopted in odd numbered years will not be printed until the following year.
- 13.5.3 Changes to the bylaws will be printed in addendum form following their adoption.
- 13.5.4 When it is impractical to use addendum form, bylaws and rulebook changes will be published in the official publication.
- 13.5.5 The bylaws and rulebook will be printed at the same time.
- 13.6 Bylaws/rulebook distribution
- 13.6.1 Upon payment of their dues, all new members shall receive, at no additional cost, the current bylaws/rulebook.
- 13.6.2 When the bylaws/rulebook is revised and reprinted, the Administrative Assistant shall send to all members a notice of the reprint and an order form.
- Only those who return the order form will receive the revised book.
- 13.6.3 Within thirty (30) days of receipt in the State office of their judge’s application, application fee(s) and dues judge applicants shall be mailed a complete current CSHA bylaws/rulebook.
- All English, Western and/or Parade judge applicants shall also be mailed the current West Coast Horse Show rulebook.