Organization, Definition and Purpose
(Updated January 2023)
Region Handbook 2023 Page 1
Organization Definition and Purpose
Duties of Officers and Region Council
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Committee Chairs
Youth Advisor
Region Clubs
Annual Election of Officers
Credit/Debit Cards
Accountability Plan
Credentials Manual
Election Manual
Region Handbook 2023 Page 2
Public Benefit Corporation operated for the purpose of promoting and preserving equine
related activities in California.
Regions. The boundaries of most Regions are determined by the established county lines
of the state, with a few geographic exceptions. Each Region is governed by a Region
Council consisting of all members residing in the region or holding a legal transfer to that
Directors, of which each Region President is a member of the board. Under no
circumstances should a Region think of itself as an independent organization. Regions
are a part of CSHA under the same corporation EIN number with the IRS and must be
operated accordingly; i.e., following the rules and regulations as required by the CSHA
bylaws and established CSHA procedures and those California state laws regulating
corporations and non-profit organizations.
lose sight of the objectives of CSHA or its approved procedures. The handbook is
designed to assist in preventing individuals from placing the non-profit status of the
Corporation in jeopardy and aid the Region in submitting the appropriate forms and
information to the state organization.
Administrative Practices, CSHA policy and procedures, the role of Roberts Rules of Order
in CSHA government and California Corporation Code. Any question regarding proper
procedure should be directed to the appropriate CSHA State or Region officer.
the established bylaws and rules. Where a specific rule or policy may not be so stated
regarding region procedures, all procedures and rules for regions are to “mirror” the CSHA
rules and regulations.
Practices, as well as all CSHA policies, in their entirety and specifically sections that apply
directly to Regions. This handbook is not a substitute for reading and understanding the
full Bylaws and Administrative Practices as published yearly by CSHA.
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A Region meeting should be used to plan and coordinate the Region’s various activities. The scheduling
of these meetings is determined by the Region officers, chairs and members as the Region Council.
Regularly-scheduled monthly meetings are advisable.
The Region Council consists of the President, Vice President(s), Immediate Past President, Secretary,
Treasurer, a Club Representative from each club in the region and all Direct members (18 years and over).
The following will be counted to establish a quorum at meetings: President, Vice President(s), Immediate
Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee chairmen. A quorum will be 20%.
President for submission to the State Office.
but no motions may be made or voting done until a quorum is established at this or the next meeting.
Recommended Meeting Agenda Format
Pledge of Allegiance
Determine quorum
Approval of the previous meeting’s minutes
Vice President(s)
Youth Advisor
Committee reports
Club reports
Unfinished Business
New Business
State Board of Directors meetings are held in January, April and July. Generally, only the January
meeting is scheduled as a 2 day meeting.
The CSHA annual meeting is the Convention held each November. This includes meetings of State
Committees (general business and review/approval/rejection of resolutions), the Council of Members
(voting on new rules, election of officers and general business) and Board of Directors
Duties of the Officers and Region Council
It is the responsibility of all Region officers and chairs to follow all policies and procedures of CSHA
including, but not limited to, safeguarding Region historical records and ensuring the transition of those
records to the next Region administration.
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President: Duties at Region level
b. Chairs the Region Council handling all questions and motions equitably and counts for quorum;
sets dates, places and times for meetings.
c. Expresses an opinion on subject under discussion in the Council only after turning chair temporarily
over to Vice President.
d. Exercises a vote only to break a tie.
e. Appoints Chairs to Region committees with Council approval including any special committee that
may be necessary for the operation of the Region. Assumes chairmanship until an appointment is made.
f. Should appoint a Region Parliamentarian who is knowledgeable of Robert’s Rules of Order- Newly revised.
g. Is an ex-officio member of all Region committees.
h. Submits complete roster of the Region Officers and Chairs with names, postal and e-mail addresses
and phone numbers to the CSHA State Office no later than January 15th.
i. Prepares administrative budget and reviews Program budgets prior to submission for approval by
the Region Council at the first meeting of the calendar year.
j. Ensures all appropriate State of California required forms for fundraising events are completed and|submitted as directed.
k. Submits the Region Minutes to the CSHA Office annually, electronically.
l. Keeps the First Vice President informed of all activities and functions.
m. Promotes CSHA goodwill.
President: Duties at State level
Council of Members. Submits a written authorization to the State Office designating a Region
Representative for the Board of Directors, if the President nor Vice President(s) cannot attend. This
person may not answer quorum, make any motion nor vote in the meeting.
b. As a member of the CSHA Board of Directors and Council of Members, can make motions, speak
to issues and vote.
c. Gives a report of the Region’s activities at both meetings and submits a written copy at the time of
the report for the minutes.
d. Will submit an electronic copy of the years meeting minutes to the State Office on an annual basis
at year end.
e. Serves on any State committee to which they may be appointed.
f. Direct Chairmen to prepare an annual budget, set an administrative budget
First Vice President
b. Is a member of the Region Council with one (1) vote and counts for quorum.
c. Understands the duties of the Region President.
d. Substitutes for the Region President during his or her absence at Region and CSHA State
meetings, chairing, counting for quorum and voting in place of the President.
e. Assists the Region President and undertakes any duties assigned by the Region President.
f. Serves as Membership Chair of the Region and is responsible for maintaining the Region CSHA
membership roster for use in establishing quorums, official Region mailing projects and
membership verification for Region Chairs as needed.
g. Should attend CSHA Board of Directors and Council of Members Meetings.
h. Promotes CSHA goodwill.
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Second Vice President(s) – Position is optional. More than one allowed based on size/needs of the
a. Is familiar with the CSHA Bylaws and rules, including program rules.
b. Is a member of the Region Council with one (1) vote and counts for quorum
c. Assists the Region President and First Vice President and undertakes any duties assigned by the
Region President.
d. Substitutes for the Region President and First Vice President, if both are absent, at Region and
CSHA State meetings, chairing, counting for quorum and voting in place of the President.
e. Should attend CSHA Board of Directors and Council of Members Meetings
f. Promotes CSHA goodwill.
CSHA Retention policy for record keeping. Submits the Region Minutes to the Region President.
b. Prepares correspondence and reports.
c. Retains Region written records for a period of three years. Electronic records should be logged
according to the appropriate retention policy of CSHA.
d. Arranges for appropriate destruction of records according to retention policy schedule; in
conjunction with the Treasurer and confirms said destruction to the Region President.
e. Is a member of the Region Council with one (1) vote and counts for quorum.
b. Prepares Treasurer’s report and provides copies for the Region President, Committee Chairs and
Secretary at the Region meeting.
c. Retains Region financial records for a period of seven years. Arranges for appropriate
destruction of records yearly in conjunction with the Secretary and confirms said destruction to the
Region President.
d. Shall:
- Maintain checking/savings account balance; suggested use of QuickBooks/Quicken
- Pay all approved bills and reimbursements supported by a voucher approved by a
Region officer or the applicable Region chair. - Deposit all income received within seven (7) business days.
- Keep all donation receipts and prepare the annual Donations Report Form and submit it
to the State Office along with year-end financial statements. - Prepare the Annual Region Financial Report and submit to the Region President for
review prior to submission to the CFO. - Send copies of the Regions’ monthly bank statements and reconciliation to the CFO.
- Prepare Quarterly Financial Profit/ Loss Report for the State.
- Serve as second signor on all checks along with the Region President or other authorized
signatory. (Two (2) signatures required).
e. At the beginning of the year, assists with budget preparation for operation of the Region.
f. At the end of the Fiscal year (December 31) prepares the annual profit and loss (financial)
statement using the CSHA format. This includes donation forms with itemized tally, forwarding
the report to the CSHA CFO via mail/email no later than the January Board of Directors meeting
of each year.
g. Will participate in auditing the Region books/ financials upon request.
h. Is a member of the Region Council with one (1) vote and counts for quorum.
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Committee Chairs
Region Council to manage a specific program within the Region and represent the Region on that
State Committee. Should be familiar with CSHA bylaws and rules and knowledgeable in the specific program rules.
b. Is a member of and will attend CSHA state meetings of their committee; carry a vote and count for
quorum at that meeting.
c. Conduct Region program meetings, as needed, and submit the minutes to the Region Secretary.
All motions made in committee must be submitted to the Region Council for approval.
d. Plan activities and functions for the program.
e. Prepare and submit a written budget to the Region President and Region Treasurer.
f. Prepare a financial & activity report after each function and submit a copy to the Region President
and Region Treasurer.
g. Carry a vote and count for quorum at Region Council meetings.
h. Will account for all monies accepted for the Region or State.
i. Prepare deposits and appropriate paperwork and send to the Region/State Treasurer(s) and/or State Chair, as appropriate, within two (2) weeks of each event.
j. Promote CSHA goodwill.
Youth Advisor
b. Is chairman of the Region Youth Advisor Committee.
c. Is a member of and will attend meetings of the CSHA State Youth Advisor Committee; carry a
vote and count for quorum at that meeting.
d. Promotes CSHA goodwill.
Forms: Deposits; Reimbursements; Advance Checks
of region/program related expenses will use the appropriate CSHA Forms. All forms are to be
complete and accompanied by required documentation; e.g., approvals, receipts, explanations, etc.
b. All expenditures should be detailed in the annual Region budget. All those not listed in the budget
in excess of $400 will require advance Region Council approval.
c. Annual budgets should be approved at the first Region meeting by the Region Council of Members.
d. All members will refrain from making large monetary purchases in their name and requesting
reimbursement from the Region. The Region should be invoiced in advance and pay the vendor directly.
e. Approved forms are available on the CSHA website
➢ Regions will follow the same procedures as outlined in the Accountable Plan
Fundraising is an ongoing activity in order to support the equine activities that are held, as well as underwrite
the necessary support costs to programs, i.e., rentals, arena fees and insurance. The Region committees
are the financial backbone of each Region. Since each Region is self-supporting, it becomes necessary to
devise various methods of raising funds, from social events to competitive events. Whatever idea is used,
it will only be a successful money maker if full support of the Region’s members and volunteers promote
and support the functions.
Whatever type of function is pursued, be certain to obtain the proper State or local permits and/or licenses.
Raffles must be registered with the State of California through the CSHA State Office annually.
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CSHA could lose its charitable non-profit status due to missing documentation.
CSHA Region Clubs have their own governing body and bylaws. Region Officers and Chairs are
encouraged to include and incorporate their activities and information links whenever possible and support
interaction between the clubs and between the clubs and the Region (and at the State level) on both social
and competitive levels. Holding a calendar meeting at the start of each year to schedule Region and Club
activities on the same calendar may help in event planning. This avoids having multiple equine events on
the same days that draw from the same attendance base.
Region officers or chairs who accept a CSHA membership application must sign and date the application
with the date received and include their printed name and phone number. The application and payment
are to be sent to the CSHA State Office no later than ten (10) days after receipt. If this date/receipt
information is not provided, the effective date of membership will be the US Post mark.
Region Program chairs are to contact the Region First Vice President in order to confirm current
membership status for all participants.
Membership Roster Policy
Club Rosters – Clubs are required to send rosters to the CSHA State Office. A copy will be sent to the
Region First Vice President.
Membership Rosters & Contact Lists – This information will be provided to the Region President and all
Region Vice Presidents.
All rosters and contact lists are to be treated as confidential documents, shared on a “need to know” basis
and used solely for official CSHA and/or Region purposes. The information is not to be shared with any
outside entity for any reason.
Annual Election of Officers
The election takes place yearly at a Region meeting held prior to the Annual Convention. At this meeting
the Club Delegates and Direct members will elect the Region officers. At the option of the Region, the
offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be appointed. (See Credentials & Election Manuals)
If the Region does not hold an election meeting by January 10, the Area Vice President will conduct an
In the event a quorum cannot be established at the original election meeting or at a subsequent meeting
held prior to January 10, the Area Vice President will present the nominees for office to the CSHA Board
of Directors at its January meeting for appointment and approval.
The method for election of Region officers is to mirror that used by CSHA for State officers. Please
review the CSHA Election Guidelines/Manual.
conduct the election.
b. Final nominations for officers must be made at the time of voting.
c. Nominations cannot be closed at any previous time.
d. Votes will be cast on the same basis as the CSHA House of Delegates.
e. A quorum will consist of fifteen percent (15%) of the eligible votes.
f. A secret ballot will be used when there is more than one nominee for a position.
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2) Information as to how the club representative voted may only be requested by/given to the
Club President.
3) Vote totals are not to be announced.
4) Ballots are to be sealed and held by the Region Secretary for thirty (30) days.
Procedure to arrange an annual election
announces the names of the candidates who have accepted the nomination for the various
b. The Region Secretary initiates a written notice to the Region membership advising of the date,
time and place of the election and the declared candidates. This can be done via a special
mailing or the regular Region newsletter. The Region First Vice President will provide the
updated Region membership roster to ensure this mailing is complete and accurate.
c. The election will be held at the next meeting, preferably in October.
d. Immediately following the election, the Region President shall advise the CSHA State Office of
the election results.
Check Handling – All Checks
CSHA Region if to be forwarded to the State for deposit. If to be deposited by your Region, the
issuer is to include the Region number; e.g. CSHA Region 5.
b. CSHA and its Regions do not accept invalid checks. Presentation of such a check does not
qualify as having met any pertinent deadline affecting membership, program/event registration or
license renewal. Invalid checks are: Post-dated checks; Third party checks; Unsigned checks;
and Checks with only one signature when multiple signatures are required.
c. The individual accepting a check is responsible for reviewing the check to ensure that the check
is valid and acceptable to CSHA. Invalid checks are not to be deposited by the Region or sent to
the State Office.
to the person and a valid check requested.
2) If an invalid check is received by mail, the check is to be returned to the individual
with a letter requesting a replacement check.
not accrue until a valid check is received.
ii.If an address is available, a copy of the letter is to be sent via email to facilitate
receipt of a valid check
Check Handling – Program registration/application fees
CSHA membership of the appropriate level for the intended purpose has been verified and
b. It is the responsibility of the Region Chair to ensure that form(s) used for registration/application
purposes include:
2) The disclaimer “Program registration and/or application acceptance subject to active CSHA
membership verification. No points will accrue prior to activation of membership.” (In bold
type and underlined)
3) Region Chair is responsible for verifying CSHA membership status through the Region Vice
President prior to submitting checks to be deposited for program registration/application
4) Region Chair is responsible for documenting this verification and result in the “Office Use”
box on the registration/application form.
Region Handbook 2023 Page 9
membership issue and providing 20 days to resolve the issue. After that time, the check is to
be marked “void” and returned to the individual with a letter of explanation and a copy sent to
the Region President.
Travel & other Expense Reimbursement Policy
It is recognized that board members, Region officers and program chairmen (personnel) of CSHA may be
required to travel or incur other expenses from time to time to conduct Company business and to further
the mission of this non-profit corporation. Each Region Council wishing to reimburse individuals must
review the CSHA Accountability Plan and comply with the requirements therein.
Association, Incorporated.
documents, utilities, etc., related to the operation of the Region. Once the full name has been used
once in minutes or correspondence, you may indicate that the organization is thereafter referred to as
CSHA in that document
c. Use the full name anytime the Corporation’s name, address and/or phone number is listed.
Example: Awards, jackets, “give aways”, etc., are considered service marks or trademarks. A short
version of the name; i.e. “CSHA” may be used on such items along with the Region designator; e.g.
Region 5.
Fundraising when the corporate’s name, address and/or phone number is listed
b. Wherever possible add “a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation” to the name in order to
establish our non-profit status. Also include an address for further information.
c. On any request for donations, you can add “a state and federal exempt corporation” or “a tax
exempt corporation under IRC 501© (3) and R&TC 2370d”. These titles are the correct language
to use as they provide recognition as to the type of corporation.
d. Do not use language that states “donations are fully tax deductible”. Per the IRS donations are
not fully deductible.
donation value of $7….that is the deductible donation per the IRS and is how the Corporation is
required to report fundraising.
Reporting donations must be done.
These, along with the tally sheet (available on line), are to be submitted to the CSHA State Office.
b. The donation slips should be generated by the Region Treasurers and Program Chairs. This is
particularly important for any single donation of $250 or more. This includes any exchange of
goods; i.e. quid pro quo – something for something.
Raffles – Be Aware of the 90/10 ratio – Only 10% of
the proceeds may be used for expenses to cover all purchases including printing and purchase of the
raffle item itself. Review the CSHA raffle policy prior to conducting a raffle to ensure that you
are in compliance with all reporting requirements.
Region Handbook 2023 Page 10
Insurance: Insurance for region (and state) event dates are secured by one master policy for CSHA.
The Region President or Vice President should monitor these dates for accuracy, cancellation or
additional dates as needed. Program chairs should make the dates request through their officers – do not
contact the insurance carrier individually.
This Region Handbook is provided as a guideline and in no way is meant to provide the reader with a
complete listing of all CSHA bylaws, administrative policies and procedures or program rules affecting the
operation of the Region. Each person is responsible for reading, understanding and following the
established bylaws and rules of CSHA. The current version of this document and the published policies
and procedures of CSHA can be found on the CSHA website.